by | Jan 17, 2022


Forskolin has become a household name worldwide. It is a herb extract from the root of an ancient plant in the mint and lavender family. Forskolin plant is predominantly found in the Asian countries of Nepal, Thailand and India. Basically, from time immemorial, this plant has been used to support for weight loss and as a cure for other chronic diseases like heart failure, obesity, HPB, Asthma, cancer, glaucoma and for bone and muscle building. Other than boosting weight loss, this drug has been widely used since time immemorial for treatment of the above mentioned diseases.

How to take forskolin for weight loss

The recommended dosage for forskolin is 250 mg capsule twice a day after a meal. Each 250mg capsule is completely natural without any additives or fillers. Unlike other weight loss pills, using forskolin doesn’t require any additional exercise or special diet for results. The drug can be taken with warm water for 6-12 months for the overweight and the obese.

Best way to take forskolin is after meals so as to allow the drug to enhance the production of thyroid hormones that speed up metabolism. Faster metabolism enables quick burning up of fat tissues and calories in the body. Forskolin works best for men compared to women especially since in increasing bone mass. Scientifically, forskolin has also been proved to stimulate the production of cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) which supports effective fat burning. This plant is therefore offers natural weight loss remedy. Also important to note is that using forkolin does not cause any destruction on the muscle tissues.

Who should avoid forskolin?

Anyone using anti-platelet drugs or blood thinners should not take forskolin. This drug is also said to interact with certain high pressure drugs such as clonidine, hydralazine, calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers therefore patients using any of these drugs should avoid forskolin.

Is it Ok to take forskolin with other drugs?

Well, apart from people with allergies and other chronic diseases, forskolin can be taken with other drugs and in case of any reactions, make sure to consult a physician.

When should you take forskolin?

Forskolin should be taken in the morning and evening the moment you notice your body bulging with fats. Provided you are 18+, you shouldn’t wait until you begin to develop some serious health issues. Remember, for hastened weight loss, good discipline, an individual’s effort and proper dieting also play role. Adhere to the right dosage and follow the prescription and you may end up shedding 8-10 bulbs within the first one month of using forskolin.

How effective is forskolin drug?

This drug has been tried and tested to be 100% effective for fighting weight loss. Several users have reported to have achieved lean body after using this weight loss pill. No exercise or special dieting is required however exercising can help you achieve results faster.

Are there side effects of using forskolin?

Different people react differently with drugs. About forskolin, research is being done about its safety for use however, some negative reactions have been reported anyway. These reactions include nausea, headache and increased heart rate, restlessness when inhaled, cough, tremor, low blood pressure and flushing. The scientific research on whether these side effects are real is still underway, and with time we will be able to ascertain the side effects with enough proof. For pregnant mothers, cancer patients and people with chronic and kidney diseases, it is advisable to seek a physician’s advice before using this drug

Where to buy forskolin

Forskolin can be bought online or from a trusted pharmacist who should give you proper prescription. If you follow the right dosage as per our advice, you will begin to see changes after a week. Also note that different manufacturers sell the drug at different prices but the recommended price ranges from $40-$50. You may however find it very expensive in some places. It is also important to note that an original forskolin is 100% natural without any fillers, binders or natural ingredients. The standardized 250mg capsule contains coleus Forskohli which according to the manufacturer, it contains 20 percent forskolin content. Don’t forget to check on the label to ascertain whether the drug is registered by FDA.


Well, obesity and overweight issues are a major problem among many worldwide. For this reason, many have been conned by fake dealers into buying weigh loss pills that are of no significance. If you are facing similar problem, try the 250mg forskolin twice a day after meals and you will be surprised by to see how it works.